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Version: v3.x



The Formance platform relies on the OpenTelemetry standard to collect and send telemetry data to your monitoring system. OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability framework for cloud-native software. It provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and instrumentation to capture distributed traces and metrics from your applications.


ServiceMetric NameDescription
ledgerapi_ledgersMetrics related to ledger APIs
ledgerapi_statusStatus of ledger APIs
ledgerapi_time_bucketTime distribution bucket for ledger API responses
ledgerapi_time_countCount of ledger API response times
ledgerapi_time_sumTotal time sum for ledger API responses
paymentsconnectors_object_errorsErrors related to payment connectors objects
paymentsconnectors_object_latencies_bucketLatency distribution bucket for payment connectors objects
paymentsconnectors_object_latencies_countCount of latencies for payment connectors objects
paymentsconnectors_object_latencies_sumTotal latency sum for payment connectors objects
paymentsconnectors_objectsMetrics related to payment connectors objects
paymentsconnectors_psp_callsPayment Service Provider (PSP) calls metrics
paymentsconnectors_psp_calls_latencies_bucketLatency distribution bucket for PSP calls
paymentsconnectors_psp_calls_latencies_countCount of latencies for PSP calls
paymentsconnectors_psp_calls_latencies_sumTotal latency sum for PSP calls