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Version: v3.x

Atlar Connector


Before you begin, you need to have a Atlar account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a Atlar account here. Make sure you have a Atlar AccessKey, Secret and base URL, with the least amount of permissions required to access the functionality of the Atlar Connector you plan to use.


Make sure to create an API key dedicated to Formance. Doing so will improve your auditability and security and will allow you to revoke access to Formance at any time if needed.


fctl payments connectors install atlar atlar.json

With atlar.json containing:

"name": "atlar",
"baseUrl": "<baseURL>",
"accessKey": "<accessKey>",
"secret": "<secret>",
"pollingPeriod": "2m",
"pageSize": 25